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OWN YOUR POWER. turn your visions into realities.

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90-DAYs to create your freedom lifestyle

backed by neuroscience + somatic meditation + flow psychology








for wild-hearted women with a vision

what is YOUR magnetic force?

There is a power within you.

It has always been there - But you've never really claimed it.

You've seen it in others & wanted it for yourself,

 Because you know you were born for this - 

To bring your visions to life in the real world. To thrive at your full value.

To embody your authority. To achieve your boldest dreams.


This is the power of your Magnetic Force.

Become a paradigm-shifter. 

  • harness your inner power




  • master your mind, body & soul business

6 modules
to master your magnetic force

The superpowers in your DNA. 

  • Identify blocks & energy leakages in your body

  • Reset your routines to increase daily energy

  • Claim your creative superpower archetype

  • Integrate the power of your shadow

  • Supercharge your self-awareness

  • Convert anxiety into clarity




The magnetism of your true desires.

  • Goal setting that supports your soul purpose

  • Nurture  your wants & needs in balance

  • Channel your passion into lasting endurance

  • Revolutionise your relationship to core values

  • Become fluent in your creative love language

  • Somatic tools to support trusting the process




The story you were born to tell.

  • Turn negative triggers into positive flow cycles

  • Clear understanding of communication styles

  •  Shift limiting beliefs into breakthroughs

  • Turn your mess into your greatest message 

  • Unlock The 4-Step Storytelling Strategy

  • Activate your effortless expertise

this is for women with a passion burning in their bodies - who are ready to reclaim their voice and turn their visions into realities.



The fully body focus of Flow.

  • Leverage Fear into transformational Flow

  • Crack the secret code of your creative channel

  • Create a positive relationship with Time

  • The 3-phase path of magnetic communication

  • Transform work into play

  • Embrace your edges 




The irresistibility of unique genius.

  • Learn the art of activating & captivating

  • Refine the skill of interpreting intuition

  • Integrate your mental & physical health

  • Transmute setbacks into failing forward

  • Balance personal & professional life

  • Forget competition; lead in your own lane



The currency of your magnetic force.​​

  • Communicate with ease, precision & power

  • Magnetise soul-aligned manifestations

  • Possess strong foundation, skill & strategy

  • Embody your irresistibly confident expression

  • Improve your relationships in all areas 

  • Attract your most-aligned audiences 



"It's one thing to have a vision
and to have ideas, but it's another thing
to be able to find an individual
to interpret that vision and help you
make that dream a reality."


here's the old story:


🚫 We disconnected from our bodies, silenced our intuition and abandoned our truth in fear of rejection.


🚫 We decided that "we can't have it all" and put our dream career, relationship, life on the back burner.


🚫 We blamed others and shamed ourselves when things didn't work out. In recurring burnout, we told ourselves "maybe it's just not meant to be..."

There is nothing wrong with you.

Are you ready to...

  • Transform your stories about love & money and wake up everyday to your rich & playful life? 

  • Discover the simple life-changing strategy to end imposter syndrome and thrive in your full power?

  • Harness the power of your heart's desires, with a proven process for turning visions into realities?

  • Radically reboot your energy with simple routines to revolutionise your mind, body and soul business?

  • Leverage every personal challenge into even more professional success by unlocking your creative superpower?

  • Captivate your ideal audience with irresistibly crafted narratives - whether it's a Zoom room, a boardroom or  the bedroom?

I'm the one for you.

My name is tihane.

I’ve learned the hard way that it doesn't have to be hard. 


As a wild-hearted woman with a million ideas, a loud mouth and an even louder laugh, I was always told to  'tame it down.' Ever the rebel, I refused! But even in my rebelliousness, I quieted my true voice. I dimmed the brightness of my full light. I trimmed the edges off my authenticity. 


After a near-death experience due to challenging health complications, I suddenly realised there was more to my story and I needed to tell it. But... I didn't know how. It was too big to explain. It was too complex to simplify. So, I continued to keep this vision as my own, little secret. 


Ironically, during this time I spent 10+ years as a professional Creative Director, providing strategy coaching and creative development bringing other people's stories to life.


From Vogue Italia shoots to RedBull event series and New York Fashion Week showcases to top Real Estate podcasts, I became an expert at translating peoples' ideas into real world projects through my unique approach to storytelling. 


As I watched my clients' lives expand into multi-million and billion dollar success stories, I continued telling myself that my own story, my own brand and my own vision was just "too ________." 


Too different. Too weird. Too boring. Too complicated. Too pointless.


Too... Sound familiar?


One day, I finally met the right coach - a certified Life Coach and Transformational Strategist - who also happens to be my mother. She told me: "Everything you're doing for your clients - Do it for you. See what happens." So. Much. Happened.


I started traveling the world, telling my story. Speaking at TEDx, Yale University and more. I discovered the community of my dreams. I met the love of my life. To this day, my greatest joy is that I support my own delicious lifestyle as a fully embodied woman who has healed from eating disorders, drug addictions, traumatic abuse and destructive imposter syndrome. 


In 10+ years of ego deaths, expensive mistakes, big wins and stunning blessings, I finally learned how to master my magnetic force -


And unlocked the power of my mind, body & soul business. What's your story? I'm dying to hear it.


Are you ready to see what happens when you go ALL IN? I promise -  It doesn't have to be hard. 



3 months
to your most magnetic SELF

month 1: cULTIVATE

Discover and Decode your magnetic creative superpower, integrate the power of your shadow and reawaken your authentic inner voice.​

month 2: CAPTIVATE

Transform and Unlock your magnetic communication, develop your innermost desires into real world results and transform your fear.

month 3: cELEBRATE

Embody and Master your magnetic force, launch your vision into reality and celebrate the power of your unlocked mind, body & soul business.

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"Some of the deepest ways Tihane has impacted me… has been helping me see exactly what cycle I need to end in order to unlock my next big creative burst."



I don't have a clear thing I want to focus on. Is this still for me?


This course is designed to guide you through deep self-investigation, so that you can discover the power of your inner voice, experience profound clarity and translate vague ideas into fully expressed visions. 


If you already know exactly what you want to create or improve in your life, this course will provide the easiest and most effective roadmap for successfully executing your vision - by taking thorough inventory of what's been holding you back, providing fool-proof strategies to achieve more impactful results and increasing your magnetism along the way.

I'm already clear about my vision. Will this course still help me?

I don't care about having an audience. Is this for me?


That was a trick question - because, we all have an audience. It doesn't have to be a virtual following or a crowd full of people. It might be your family, friends or dates. Even if you think your vision or dream doesn't have anything to do with having an audience, learning to master your magnetic force and embody your authenticity is the key to leading a rich and playful life.

Imagine this...

You wake up rested. You're excited to exercise and you have time for it. During your workout, you have an idea for something you've been working on. In the time it takes you to shower, you figure out exactly how you want to develop the idea, start your next steps and share it with your collaborators. You look in the mirror. You feel delicious. You start your day clear and fierce.

How will this practically benefit my day-to-day life?

Self-Expression & Communication aren't important to me. Is this for me?

Not unless you're open to changing your mind!

This course is for women who recognise that authentic self-expression is an essential ingredient for lasting joy and fulfillment. Likewise, this course is for wild-hearted women who want to unlock a life of purpose and prosperity. If you are not interested in exploring or sharing your authentic self in any way, this course won't be a fit for you. 

You've got options!

For those only interested in self-paced learning materials (audios, videos, etc) you can purchase a course that guides you through 30-days of transformation.

For the wild-hearted women who are lit all the way up and ready to go ALL IN on achieving their boldest dream in 90-days, you're invited to a 3-month immersive course with 12 weekly calls and options for private 1:1 with me!

Find out everything you want to know about prices HERE

What's included in the course? How does it all work?

100% Credit Refund Within 7 Days

If for any reason you are not blown away by this course, you are eligible to use the full value of your purchase as credit toward private coaching.

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